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Writer's pictureRozialyn from Beauty Natural

40 Simple Ideas for Creating the Ultimate Self-Care Routine

Slow and steady wins the race, slowly but surely, haste makes waste; it's been said so many ways, but the lesson always remains the same. Making a change for the better — whether that's getting more steps in during the day, keeping your home better organized, or working on your relationships — requires a long-term commitment. How do you get started? By taking baby steps, of course!

By making one small change in your day, you'll soon find that you feel healthier, happier, and ready for anything. If your sweeping resolutions (Slash sugar! Organize your entire closet!) never stick, here's a thought for you: Are you biting off more than you can chew? Smaller, more attainable goals add up to create a big impact. Here, are all the best self-care tips, including small life changes that can help you feel less stressed, more fulfilled, and feel more energized to conquer your goals in 2022.

Keep this list of to-dos close by as you progress through the year; don't try to adapt all of them at once! With the tips on this list, you'll feel great knowing you've checked off one small change each week. Use the following strategies to improve your wellbeing: mind, body, heart, and soul.

Be inspired by #SelfcareSunday.

No matter where you turn, someone is probably talking about self-care — the movement that’s all about putting you first physically, mentally, and emotionally. And before you think, I have zero time for myself, repeat this: self-care is not selfish. Because when you put your best foot forward, everybody wins. Over the next few months, spend some time making every single week count (and realize how valuable this is for your health).

Lift weights while you watch TV.

The risk of cardiac events like heart attack and stroke was up to 70% lower for people who lifted weights twice a week than for those who never did, a study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found. Weight training also improves bone density and balance. Buy a set of light dumbbells (3 to 8 lbs.), and while you watch TV, do moves like bicep curls and lunges.

LAB TRICK: If you don’t have weights in your home, drop into a plank and hold it. Start by setting yourself up as if you’re going to do a push-up: Plant your shoulders over your hands, engage your core and your glutes as you keep your body in a straight line, and hold for as long as you can. A pound of muscle burns four times as many calories as a pound of fat does, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll torch.

Spend 20 minutes clearing clutter.

Getting rid of that stack of mail, the pile of shoes by the door, and the overflow from your closet may improve your sense of well-being. Studies have linked cluttered environments with stress and lower self-control (say, around food), which can put a damper on your physical health.

LAB TRICK: Try snapping a photo of a messy area of your home, then devote 20 minutes to picking up. When the timer rings, pause for at least 10 minutes (or the rest of the day if you like!). Replacing open-ended cleaning sessions with a timed window makes the chore less overwhelming, says Rachel Hoffman, author of Cleaning Sucks. And comparing the “before” and “after” photos will give you a sense of accomplishment.

Turn late nights into long brunches.

A study in Sleep Health found that 41% of parents said too many late activities — their own and their kids’ — kept them from getting a good night’s sleep. Disrupted sleep causes ghrelin, also known as the hunger hormone, to increase, and leptin, the “stop eating” hormone, to decrease, leading to overeating. Extra ghrelin can also make you crave high-carb, high-calorie foods. Plus, when you’re exhausted, deep-dish pizza is much more appealing than steamed veggies and exercise is less enticing than hitting the snooze button.

LAB TRICK: Aim for seven to eight hours and keep the thermostat at 67°F for the best dozing environment. Remember, “No, thanks, let’s do brunch!” may be the healthiest solution to too many afternoon and evening get-togethers (even if they are digital in nature!).

End your shower with an invigorating blast.

After you’ve scrubbed with warm water, switch too cold for 30 seconds. You’ll get a big burst of energy as your body tries to conserve heat and kicks your circulation into gear. Bonus: One study found that icy temps help release endorphins, which could have an antidepressant effect.

Refill your water bottle hourly.

This simple habit can ensure that you’re drinking enough water. One in five kids and young adults reported not having a single drop on a given day, according to a JAMA Pediatrics report, and adults often don’t get enough either. Your body needs fluids to maintain proper functioning, and dehydration may lead to constipation, dizziness, confusion, and low blood pressure.

Steep up your morning routine.

Adding tea to your a.m. can help support a healthy heart. Research shows that drinking green tea regularly may lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels. Studies have also found that people with a habit of drinking black tea have a lower risk of developing heart disease. Tea is a major source of naturally occurring, heart-healthy flavonoids, and taking in a daily dose of at least 200 to 500 mg of these flavonoids can help keep your ticker ticking efficiently.

LAB TRICK: We love GH Nutritionist Approved Lipton Tea, which contains 150 to 170 mg of flavonoids per serving, in the unsweetened regular black and green versions. And contrary to what you may have heard, tea does not dehydrate you, but rather counts toward your healthy water-consumption goals. Proper hydration is important to circulatory functions, so sip away and embrace the day.

Stash the cookie jar.

And set out a giant fruit bowl instead — you’ll be more likely to reach for an apple or a banana. There really is something to the adage “Out of sight, out of mind,” according to Dawn Jackson Blatner, R.D.N., author of The Superfood Swap. In your pantry, move healthy staples like quinoa, nuts, and canned beans to the front of shelves at eye level and put processed foods on a high shelf.

Take a lunchtime stroll.

Research shows that a 15-minute midday walk boosts concentration and energy throughout the workday. It’s also a long-term boon: In a recent study, older adults with mild cognitive impairment who completed a regimen of moderate-intensity treadmill walking performed significantly better on cognitive tests than before they started working out. MRI scans suggest that exercise may regulate blood flow to the portions of the brain that are associated with memory, cognition, and language/speech processing.

Tackle the DIY manicure.

Can't make it to the salon? Don't fret, because you can bring the salon home to you with the right tips and tricks. Keeping your nails trim and proper is one thing, but you may also stock up on your favorite colors to keep them brilliantly colored all on your own.

Pamper your feet, too.

Doing a pedicure is so much more than just painting your nails. You'll also work to remove calluses and help make your feet feel baby soft.

Create a "Yay!" list.

Every night, write down anything that made you say "Yay!" during the day. Think finding hidden money in your pocket, a surprise call from a friend, sunny skies, or discovering a new local restaurant. This will help you recognize things going right in your life instead of focusing on the negative.

Give your eyes a break.

So much of our days are spent in front of screens; prevent digital eyestrain (dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision) by following the rule of 20: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away.

Breathe like a yogi.

Studies suggest that 20 minutes of yoga breathing can lift your mood and even improve your memory. Try this alternate-nostril technique: Make an L with your right thumb and first finger; take a deep breath; press the right side of your nose with your thumb to block your right nostril; exhale; inhale through your left nostril; block your left nostril and release the right; exhale; inhale. Switch sides; repeat.

Schedule time to breathe.

Moms (and women in general) tend to put their own needs on the back burner, but even just a few minutes of “me time” will help you reboot. Pausing to savor your favorite hot cuppa and taking a few deep breaths enables you to warm your hands and unwind — and it benefits your heart as well. In fact, one study found that choosing to be alone for even 15 minutes could lead to more relaxation and less stress.

Throw open your shades.

Better snoozing starts with a morning routine: A study in Sleep Health found that people exposed to a.m. light fall asleep faster at night. Let the sun in first thing, and leave your shades open at the office to keep your circadian rhythms in sync. Sleep doesn’t just curb grumpiness: Getting less than six hours a night can put you at risk for heart disease and stroke, especially if you have a risk factor like diabetes or high blood pressure.

Take it outside.

Being in nature — especially in motion — boosts mood, sharpens thinking, and makes you feel calmer and more generous. Time outdoors may also reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, says clinical exercise physiologist Paul Innerd, Ph.D., of the University of Sunderland in the U.K.

Plant something.

One study found that adults who garden were more likely to eat vegetables than those who didn’t. On top of that, other research shows that people who get their hands in dirt are generally happier and healthier.

Donate your time.

Volunteering gives people purpose, which raises their self-esteem and lowers loneliness. One study of folks with social anxiety found that those who lent a helping hand felt less anxious about social situations than those who didn’t.

Discover a new podcast.

People shift their moods to match the tones of voice they’re hearing, revealed a recent study. So why not cue up an inspiring podcast, like How I Built This or Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations, to make a less-than-fun task like folding laundry fly by or whenever you need a boost?

Say goodbye to dry skin.

You're always working on moisturizing your face but may not extend the same courtesy to your hands. With all the hand washing we do these days; we should take some time to soothe and moisturize our hands (especially during the winter season).

Pamper yourself.

Who doesn’t love a good face mask? It’s the perfect excuse to chill (and take funny selfies).

Get your sweat on.

Exercise is a powerful mental health tool proven to help depression and anxiety.

Enjoy some fresh (cold) air.

Forget the old wives’ tale about catching a cold from the cold. Spending time outdoors this winter can be good for your health if you're able to find a space that's all your own (social distancing in mind!). Getting some exercise is obviously beneficial, but exposure to sunlight and the world outside may also better help regulate your circadian clock — and stop leaving you feeling exhausted all the time.

Plan a play date just for you.

Go ahead and book that girls’ night (even if it's a virtual get-together!). Researchers aren’t sure why, but having a strong social life seems to be protective against cognitive decline. In fact, studies have found that people with more positive social relationships than their peers have better brainpower as they age.

Laugh with friends.

Researchers have found that social laughter releases endorphins (a.k.a. feel-good hormones) in our brains. Not only will you benefit from the giggles but laughing can strengthen your relationships!

Plan a getaway...

...even if you have no intention of booking it just yet. Research new places or revisit your go-to spots — it’s the perfect escape from reality, especially if you haven't been able to travel safely in a while. Who knows, it may inspire you to take time off!

Take a course in something brand-new.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to try dancing, painting, or photography. Active learning exercises your brain — and you may meet new friends.

Think of food in energy terms.

Quality calories from veggies, fruits and proteins fuel your body to do the things you love, like jogging or riding a bike, says Jackie London, M.S., R.D. So instead of worrying about a number, consider what you’re going to need the energy for 30 minutes to three hours after a snack or meal — can you really power through your fave spin class on a measly rice cake?

Make a mantra.

Consider your goals for the next day, week, month, or even year, and come up with a phrase that will help you get in the right mindset and make a real change. "Let action back the mantra, and let the mantra fuel better action," says Pedram Shojai, founder of Urban Monk Nutrition and New York Times best-selling author.

Indulge in a fancy coffee at home.

Bring the relaxing vibes of your local café to your kitchen by turning your boring cup of joe into a cozy cappuccino with steamed milk.

Carve out mindful moments.

Try this simple exercise from Emily Fletcher, author of Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance, to reset: Sit with your back supported and your head free. Close your eyes and move through each of your senses, noticing what you hear, feel, see, taste and smell. Tapping into your senses is a great way to ground yourself in your body and the present moment.

Join a free online support group.

Finding a therapist to work with is a good thing for most — but for some, the scheduling or monetary commitment for 1-on-1 therapy may be too great. But support groups can still provide an outlet to discuss important issues or stressors in your life, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many have shifted to providing online services. This guide to free online support groups can help you find a community that you can check in with as frequently as you like, whether it's once a day, week, or month.

Savor soothing scents.

Diffuse a few drops of your go-to essential oil in distilled water for a calming effect. Try lavender to help you sleep or peppermint for stress relief.

Revitalize your scalp.

Dry hair and dry scalp can be a seasonal issue for most, but for others, it's an issue that plagues them year-round. If flakes and dry, brittle hair seemingly won't let up, try a DIY hair mask to address the root of the problem. One simple solution is made from honey, eggs, and apple cider vinegar, a hydrating treatment that also adds a bit of shine without altering your mane in the long run.

Sleep deeply with a weighted blanket.

Filled with tiny glass, sand, or plastic beads, these blankets look like normal comforters or quilts but feel like a firm hug. The pressure helps increase serotonin (a neurotransmitter that makes you happy and calm) so you can sleep better.

Take a relaxing bath.

Instead of speeding through a two-minute shower, find time to soak in the bath uninterrupted. Bring in candles, music, wine, or bubbles for a total escape.

Cook your fave meal — quicker!

We all have a dish that makes us feel warm and fuzzy. With innovative gadgets, it’s even easier to whip up your comfort foods stress-free.

Make something!

The act of being creative or artistic can leave you feeling more enthusiastic and happier that day and the next suggests a study from the New Zealand’s University of Otago. Try singing, drawing, playing an instrument, crafting — even making a new recipe. Don’t worry about quality: Simply find an outlet you like, have fun with it and reap the rewards.

Treat yourself to fresh blooms.

There’s nothing like walking into a room and seeing a fresh bouquet. Instead of waiting for a special occasion or someone else to buy them for you, pick up an arrangement today.

Build a better bed.

Sleep is crucial for every part of our lives, and over one-third of us aren’t getting enough.

Take a photo — of anything!

A recent study found that regular snapping and sharing (whatever the subject!) helped people stop and take time for themselves and connect with others. For extra motivation, post a daily picture to Instagram with the hashtag #365challenge. After a year, scroll back and relive the moments.

Unfollow people who bring you down.

Check Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and stop engaging with anyone whose content doesn’t make you feel good. We spend around 45 minutes a day on social media sites — your feeds should be full of people and brands that lift you up. If you can't disconnect entirely, at least work to restrict how much time you interact with these brands in the first place.

Celebrate silence.

Not only can excessive noise potentially damage your hearing, but it also can affect your sleep, blood pressure, and even heart rate, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Eat breakfast first. Then check your phone.

Resist the urge to look at your device first thing when you wake up. Instead, take time to set your intentions for the day.

Order dessert.

Yes, you can have it every day, according to GH’s nutrition director — as long as you recognize that it’s a treat. Balance things out by skipping sneaky sources of sugar like premade smoothies and juices that could have more sugar than a cookie.

Embrace JOMO (the joy of missing out).

Always agreeing to post-work cocktails or dinners can leave you (and your finances) stretched thin. Don’t stress when friends hang out without you; there will be other chances!

If you have trouble saying no to invitations, avoid worry and guilt trips with the “I don’t” trick. Saying “I don’t go out on weeknights” removes any risk of debate. A study from the University of Houston and Boston College also found that this language helped reinforce the decision and empower the person saying it.

Do nothing (really!).

Whether it’s binge-watching your favorite show, getting lost in a good book, or zoning out to music, whatever “nothing” means to you, do it.


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All material provided at Beauty Natural Skin & Body Care is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a professional before following the advice or recommendations given above. Any health concern or condition should be addressed by a doctor or other appropriate health care professional.


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